RUBIESTINKERBELL (Sml)Dress up as the Tinker-talent fairy, the star of Disney's Secret of the Wings. This Tinker Bell is so curious, she cannot resist a flit into the Winter Woods or a look into the Book Nook. Will you find out what makes fairy wings sparkle? TINKERBELL (Sml) Brand Name:- RUBIES Pack Qty:- 12 Age Group:- 3-4 Size:- UK HEIGHT:- 104CM Department:- TOYS - OTHERS Category:- COSTUMES Country of Origin:- Chinababy & kids > kid costumes169.00NovoProduto disponível


Ref: 884656-S
EAN: 0883028465651
    169.00 QAR


    Dress up as the Tinker-talent fairy, the star of Disney's Secret of the Wings.This Tinker Bell is so curious, she cannot resist a flit into the Winter Woods or a look into the Book Nook.Will you find out what makes fairy wings sparkle?TINKERBELL (Sml)Brand Name:- RUBIESPack Qty:- 12Age Group:- 3-4Size:- UKHEIGHT:- 104CMDepartment:- TOYS - OTHERSCategory:- COSTUMESCountry of Origin:- China...